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National Cemetery of the Pacific Sections Map


The numbers on the map represent the sections of National Cemetery of the Pacific.

National Cemetery of the Pacific Section Map

When Visiting National Cemetery of the Pacific

National Cemetery of the Pacific Hours:

Visitation Hours:

The cemetery is open daily. Sept. 30 thru
March 1, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
March 2 thru Sept. 29, from 8:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.
On Memorial Day, the cemetery is open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Directions to National Cemetery of the Pacific:

Cemetery is located in central Honolulu, approximately midway from the Honolulu International Airport and Waikiki Hotel area. Take Hwy 1 East and exit onto Lunalilo Freeway. Then North onto Pali Hwy. Immediately across the interstate overpass, turn right (East) and proceed about 1 block. Turn left (North) approximately 300 feet then angle-turn to the right onto Puowaina.

National Cemetery of the Pacific Closest Hotels: 

Notable Monuments at National Cemetery of the Pacific: 

In 1964, the American Battle Monuments Commission erected the Honolulu Memorial at the National Memorial Cemetery "to honor the sacrifices and achievements of American Armed Forces in the Pacific during World War II and in the Korean War." The memorial was later expanded in 1980 to include the Vietnam War. The names of 28,788 military personnel who are missing in action or were lost or buried at sea in the Pacific during these conflicts are listed on marble slabs in ten Courts of the Missing which flank the Memorial's grand stone staircase.


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