Tahoma National Cemetery Satellite Map


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Tahoma National Cemetery Sections Map


The numbers on the map represent the sections of Tahoma National Cemetery.

Tahoma National Cemetery Section Map

When Visiting Tahoma National Cemetery

Tahoma National Cemetery Hours:

Open daily from sunrise to sunset.

Directions to Tahoma National Cemetery:

From Sea-Tac Airport, take Interstate-5 southbound to exit 142A (Highway 18 Auburn/North Bend). Stay on Highway 18 for 13 miles. Take the S.E. 256th Street exit. At the stop sign turn left onto 256th Street. At the first traffic light, turn right onto 180th Avenue S.E. proceed straight after three way stop. At the stop sign, turn right onto 240th Street. Tahoma National Cemetery is ¼ mile on left.  

Tahoma National Cemetery Closest Hotels: 

Comfort Inn Hotel Kent Offering a warm, inviting atmosphere, you'll feel welcome the moment you walk into a Comfort Inn hotel. Relax with us while traveling through Kent for your next family vacation, or business trip 7.4 miles from Tahoma National Cemetery

Notable Monuments at Tahoma National Cemetery: 

Tahoma has a Memorial walkway containing 28 memorials that commemorate soldiers of various 20th century wars, donated by various service organizations. At the northeast corner of the walkway is the POW-MIA flag.

A Blue Star Memorial is located north of the Public Information Center. The marker was originally part of a banner that families displayed in their homes during the 1940s to signify that they had a loved one fighting in World War II. Today, the marker honors all veterans.  


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